What our Customers say...

Water Damage Testimonials

My elderly mom had dishwasher leak in her condo. SERVPRO was professional and took care of her from start to finish.

SERVPRO came to my house late afternoon and stayed until almost 10pm. I was so upset with this a/c leak but SERVPRO N Lauderdale/ W Tamarac was highly recommended. They put my mind at ease.

Nate helped me navigate insurance and quickly dried out my home. Very pleased.

My medical office had a leak in the closet. SERVPRO N Lauderdale/ W Tamarac was so professional and removed the flooring immediately and put their equipment down. We were happy to see everything taken care of so fast. Thanks.

Fast service and great quality with competitive pricing. Excellent service and very professional. Would definitely recommended this Company. Thank You Staff!

10's across the board! Erica and her team are amazing!